3. Management

3.1. Docker

QueryBuilder is comprised of a set of Docker images. A minimal YAML file for use with Docker Swarm consists of at least the querybuilder and das services:

version: "3.1"

    image: harbor.mgrid.net/mgrid/querybuilder-prod:1.1.1-1
      - "443:443"
      - config:/config
      - CONFIG_GIT_BRANCH=master
      - APP_CONFIG_DIR=querybuilder
    image: harbor.mgrid.net/mgrid/das-prod:1.2.3-4
      - "444:443"
      - config:/config
      - CONFIG_GIT_BRANCH=master
      - APP_CONFIG_DIR=das

This YAML file refers to Docker images provided by MGRID. It also refers to configuration files that you need to edit to suit your environment. These settings.cfg files should be present in the config directory with subdirectories querybuilder and das. Your working directory should then look like this:


Before you start the stack, make sure there is a Postgres instance available where both QueryBuilder and DAS can connect to, and provide the credentials in their respective configuration files. It is suggested to create one database and user for querybuilder and one database and user for das within this single Postgres instance.

Starting up the stack:

$ docker stack deploy -c stack.yml qb

Verifying that the stack successfully started:

$ docker stack ps qb
ID             NAME                IMAGE                                             NODE      DESIRED STATE   CURRENT STATE            ERROR   PORTS
opdl47m6tcvs   qb_querybuilder.1   harbor.mgrid.net/mgrid/querybuilder-prod:1.1.1-1  machine   Running         Running 12 seconds ago
xd9yrhadqnbs   qb_das.1            harbor.mgrid.net/mgrid/das-prod:1.2.3-4           machine   Running         Running 15 seconds ago

Executing commands within the QueryBuilder container:

$ docker exec -it qb_querybuilder.1.opdl47m6tcvse4l19av0jyjdi bash
root@7b814a719db7:/opt/mgrid/querybuilder# circusctl status
nginx: active
querybuilder: active

3.2. Invoke

Low level administration tasks can be executed using the invoke command inside the QueryBuilder docker container. For invoke to be able to find the configured tasks it is necessary to have as a current working directory /opt/mgrid/querybuilder or below.

  app.db.branches                 Show current branch points
  app.db.current                  Display the current revision for each
  app.db.downgrade                Revert to a previous version
  app.db.edit                     Upgrade to a later version
  app.db.heads                    Show current available heads in the script
  app.db.history                  List changeset scripts in chronological order
  app.db.init-model               Fill a database with the model
  app.db.merge                    Merge two revisions together (creates a new
                                  migration file)
  app.db.migrate                  Alias for 'revision --autogenerate'
  app.db.revision                 Create a new revision file
  app.db.show                     Show the revision denoted by the given symbol
  app.db.stamp                    'stamp' the revision table with the given
                                  revision; don't run any migrations
  app.db.upgrade                  Upgrade to a later version
  app.inspect.joinpaths           Generate a world.dot on stderr visualizing
                                  the join paths of the world.yaml
  app.inspect.run (app.inspect)   Generate a world.yaml on stderr by inspecting
                                  the configured datawarehouse
  app.paths.paths (app.paths)     Development: Show all wired paths
  app.projects.create             Create a new project
  app.projects.delete             Delete a project based on id
  app.projects.show               Show all configured projects
  app.roles.delete                Delete a role based on id
  app.roles.grant                 Create a new project role
  app.roles.show                  Show all configured roles
  app.run.debug                   Run a single instance of the application for
  app.run.run (app.run)           Run the application
  app.users.create                Create a new user
  app.users.delete                Delete a user based on id
  app.users.show                  Show all configured users
  cron.add                        Add a new Cron schedule
  cron.run.force                  Force consideration of a Cron schedule
  cron.run.run (cron.run)         Schedule new jobs based on Cron definitions
  demo.azure.load                 Load MIMIC on Azure demo -- DANGER, will
                                  destroy your current application model
  demo.fnt.load                   Load FNT demo -- DANGER, will destroy your
                                  current application model database
  demo.mimic.load                 Load MIMIC demo -- DANGER, will destroy your
                                  current application model database
  demo.mimic.provision-dds        Provision the local dds based on the mimic
  jobs.run.debug                  Debug jobs
  jobs.run.run (jobs.run)         Execute jobs

3.2.1. Model Database Upgrade

Querybuilder will check its model database on startup;

  • If no database exists, it will be created.

  • If a database exists that corresponds to its current model, Querybuilder will start normally.

  • If an old database exists that corresponds with a previous version of Querybuilder, Querybuilder will halt.

After a backup of the old database, the database structure can be upgraded by issueing

$ docker exec -it qb_querybuilder.1.opdl47m6tcvse4l19av0jyjdi bash
root@7b814a719db7:/opt/mgrid/querybuilder# inv app.db.upgrade
INFO  [a.runtime.migration] Running upgrade 71a1d44789c7 -> 0055de37bb82, Add session key to Principal

3.3. API

The provisioning API is available through HTTP calls. Authentication is handled by JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Both the QueryBuilder and the calling application need to know a shared secret, JWT_SECRET_KEY in the configuration file.

The following JWT attributes need to be present in the payload:

  "iss": "mgrid",
  "iat": 1532007679,
  "jti": "9deb0180-8a0f-4c12-b6d4-1841d357f04b",
  "identity": "name_of_calling_application",
  "type": "access",
  "fresh": "True"

Where iat is the number of seconds since epoch and jti is a nonce, e.g. a UUID.

This payload then needs to be signed with the shared secret and added as the Authorization HTTP header. In a Python program this can be performed as such:

token = jwt.encode(payload, jwt_secret_key, algorithm="HS512")
http_header = {"Authorization": "Bearer %s" % token}

3.3.1. /api/v1/provision/projects GET

List summaries of all known provisioned projects.

Input: None


    "description": "Description of project 1",
    "id": 1,
    "name": "project1"
    "description": "Description of project 2",
    "id": 2,
    "name": "project2"

3.3.2. /api/v1/provision/projects POST

Create a new project. Note that name must be unique among all projects, authgroup requires a user to have LDAP group membership with a particular group. Projects may be provisioned with either SFTP export or Azure Blob export. In the case of SFTP, either sftp_export.password or sftp_export.key must be provided.


  "name": "new_sftp_project",
  "description": "Description of new SFTP project",
  "authgroup": "some_auth_group",
  "sftp_export": {
    "host": "sftp_host",
    "port": 22,
    "user": "sftp_user",
    "password": "sftp_password",
    "key": "sftp_key",
    "path": "sftp_path"
  "deid_project_id": 123,
  "owner": "owner@example.com"


  "status": "success",
  "project": 11


  "name": "new_azure_blob_project",
  "description": "Description of new Azure Blob project",
  "authgroup": "some_auth_group",
  "azure_blob_export": {
    "account_key": "account_key",
    "account_name": "account_name",
    "container_name": "container_name",
    "path": "azure_blob_path"
  "deid_project_id": 456,
  "owner": "owner@example.com"


  "status": "success",
  "project": 12

3.3.3. /api/v1/provision/project/{id} GET

List the summary for a provisioned project with given id.

Input: None


  "id": 11,
  "name": "new_project",
  "description": "Description of new project"

3.3.4. /api/v1/provision/project/{id} PUT

Update existing project with given id. The project with the given identifier will be updated with the attributes set in this call. This call is idempotent and can be used to retry an action that failed in a previous call. Note that the owner attribute cannot be changed after the first call. This is intentional.


  "name": "updated_project",
  "description": "Description of updated project",
  "authgroup": "updated_auth_group"


  "status": "success",
  "project": 11

3.3.5. /api/v1/provision/project/{id} DELETE

Delete existing project with given id.

Input: None


  "status": "success",
  "project": 11